Leapşa II


1. Yourself? here

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? tall

3. Your hair? red

4. Your mother? female

5. Your father? male

6. Your favorite item? phone

7. Your dream last night? boring

8. Your favorite drink? water

9. Your dream car? BMW

10. The room you’re in? my room

11. Your ex? huh?

12. Your fear? spiders

13. What you want to be in 10 years? me

14. Who you hung out with last night? friendss

15. What You’re Not? perfect

16. Muffins? waffels

17. One of Your Wish List Items? pc

18. Time? 10:04 pm

19. The Last Thing You Did? smiled

20. What You Are Wearing? clothes

21. Your Favorite Weather? cool

22. Your Favorite Book? Colin Falconer - Venom

23. The Last Thing You Ate? gum

24. Your Life? interesting

25. Your Mood? yaaaaay

26. Your body? skip...

27. What are you thinking about right now? nothing

28. Your car? what?

29. What are you doing at the moment? writing

30. Your summer? not

31. What color are your underwear? whaaaat?

32. What is the weather like? rainy

33. When is the last time you laughed? today

34. What is on your tv? dunno...

35. Your world? AWESOME!!!

Leapşa asta am luat-o de pe blogu` lu Teo pt că mi s-a părut drăguţ să încerci să-ţi exprimi gandurile pe o tema într-un singur cuvânt...

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